Money Wheel
Casino games for rent are our specialty and what could be more fun, exciting and easy to play than a Money Wheel. It is a great game for first time casino players and an exciting game for experienced casino players. We love it as an add to your casino party, as it is a fantastic addition for variety and a great option for those that don’t wish to learn other games. This is a game you can walk up to and almost immediately understand and begin playing, similar to Chuck-A-Luck and Slot Machines. It gives options to those that want to play a game that is exciting, but does not require learning too many rules or playing against other players.
We recommend adding a Money Wheel to every event as its look and clicking sound draw people in and give a great casino feel to complete the overall space into feeling like a real casino!
All The Info You Need To Know In Order To Play
How To Play:
The Money Wheel is played by placing bets on what number will come up on a big spinning wheel. On the table will be a board with 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, a Flag, and a Joker. Bets are placed on the board.

The wheel will be spun and whatever number comes up wins. As a bonus, whatever number that wins pays out itself in odds (i.e., if 20 wins, the odds pay out 20 :1, if 2 comes up, the odds pay out 2 :1). The Joker and the Flag pay out 50 : 1.

This is a fast & easy to learn game, that is a great option for those that are not looking for anything but fast action and easy to learn. Like in Roulette you can place multiple bets, but each bet cannot be more than $100